Sometimes you just have to beat the shit out of a plastic bag full of demon moss. Would Skull cup guy have any idea about what going on? Odd how all the Volkswagen Beetle A Girl Her Dog And Her Beetle Vintage Shirt… Seriously, how you are holding it together Kate, I have no idea! Good Luck, hope it’s not too serious. It’s peak Kate, though, in every way. The scary thing that’s killing people, isn’t calmed by anything her family knows of, and it’s throwing a tantrum? Beat it with a stick, it’ll eventually calm down. The way she wrote it almost seemed like catharsis. The moss wasn’t throwing a tantrum, per se. It was just testing its container to perhaps escape. Perfect time to grab a stick and teach it a lesson, while also relieving a ton of stress!
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As a witch myself, it feels like the year has been a nonstop Mercury in retrograde episode times ten. they say you reap what you sow but what in the hell did we sow to earn this. Anthropogenic climate change, Donald Trump, Chinese Uyghur concentration camps, police brutality, slave labor… What didn’t we sow, honestly? Probably not going to hire outsiders right now. I try to get more people on staff during bad years. But I recruit from the Volkswagen Beetle A Girl Her Dog And Her Beetle Vintage Shirt. Can’t say I blame you. But if you decide you need someone who can handle their shit, is used to weird, and is good in a sticky situation, I’m just a dm away! I second this. My wife would not be thrilled, but we could handle it.
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I agree, maybe the man with the skull cup knows something. He’s obviously been around for a long time. Since you were a child even? And he seems to like you okay. It seems like it was likely him who carried you away from the final showdown with the man with no shadow. But I am curious about him also. These mysteries are so interesting, but I don’t know how you do it. I wanna know MORE. I’d be pissing beings off left and right most likely with my Volkswagen Beetle A Girl Her Dog And Her Beetle Vintage Shirt. I think people underestimate how many people going missing while in nature in a regular park yearly. And I saw a documentary once. I think it said something like national parks pretty much one of the only places.
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