She didn’t run the trip by you Nice Raccoons And Opossums Upper Class Trailer Trash Shirt all obviously. Because she’s selfish and stupid. She has no right to be angry with you. You don’t even know her. She wants to know your family but didn’t care enough to meet any of you before committing to this man or even ask what you wanted to do. Red flags on her and your dad. She should Nice Raccoons And Opossums Upper Class Trailer Trash Shirt be trying to get to know your family. You’re not canceling your birthday or a trip. That’s on her and if she goes it’s obvious she doesn’t really give a damn. and one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since I turned 21 is that family is family through good and bad.
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At this point in Nice Raccoons And Opossums Upper Class Trailer Trash Shirt my life, I try to be indulgent when my family gives me a hard time, and to help them out when they need it, no matter how they treated me earlier. Not because I don’t care about the negatives, but because I care more about giving something positive. Sorry for this hippie-sounding post, but Be Kind Suicide 4 Awareness Shirt I truly believe you’d be best off being the bigger person in this one mate. NTA and your dad’s wife are either dumb or playing dumb for assuming you wouldn’t have a party.
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