My boyfriend had to self-isolate Nice Peace Love And Skulls Diamond Shirt through my birthday. He didn’t ask my family to reschedule because he couldn’t be there. He baked me a separate cake and he put it outside on the deck and we ate cake through the glass back door together. OP, do you live with your dad/stepmom/stepbro? Because tbh I’d be concerned about your dad dipping out of the country and leaving you with two Nice Peace Love And Skulls Diamond Shirt people you have known for less than six months, that’s an AH move in my book too. Your stepmother is your father’s responsibility, especially given that you just recently met her.
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She’s being very Nice Peace Love And Skulls Diamond Shirt selfish and causing family drama and your father is basically hiding out until it all blows over? Surely they have a phone service where he’s traveling. I assume he used that service to let you know he’s staying out of it. He should instead use that service to call or text his wife and tell her that she needs to tone it down. He should also explain to her that he will set up a get-together with I Am In My 6 Awesome Bubble Shirt his family so she and her son can meet them. So she’s saying she should be the priority on your b-day? She didn’t think you’d celebrate your b-day?
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