- The clown literally said bastards on Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt live television. Unpresidential behavior. There are signs in people’s front yards in my area that say Trump 2020 No more bull. They do not care how low class that is, and how many kids will ride by and read it. Or how it should be an instruction to Trump himself. Do you live in my neighborhood?! There is a house with that flag hanging on the front of the house very obviously to draw attention and I think the same thing every day when I drive by the house. I just don’t get it. I got a guy who lives across the street from me with the same flag in his garage got a guy who lives across the street me the same flag in his garage. I live in a smaller town.
- Being once mostly farmland. But has been built up and if the Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt steel mill or the brewery nearby closed a decent part of the town’s households would have one unemployed member. Trump everywhere. Flags, signs, American flags. And bunting everywhere. Thin blue line flags and signs about supporting cops. All of the usual suspects. I don’t ever recall a presidential candidate doing this to people. Sure, I’ve seen some crazies have their stuff decorated, but the dumbass parades like the one that just happened on I-275, or the decorations, it really is a cult. These people have so much of their identity wrapped up in an asshole who knows nothing about how they live their lives and in reality, doesn’t give two about them.
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- It was incredibly inappropriate. But I lay the blame for that Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt entirely at Trump’s feet for lowering the station and prestige of the office to such depths that such speech becomes not only warranted but unsurprising. The fact that Biden said “would you shut up, man” and referred to him as “this clown” and no one batted an eye tells you everything you need to know about the damage Trump has done to this Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt country and this government. I mean, that’s not really what about ism. Why would you expect one party in a debate to be appropriate when the other isn’t? No one looks good wrestling a pig.
- Speaking of inappropriate, Trump interrupted Biden once to say, “No, you’re number two.” I’d anything tonight works, it will be when Biden just literally ignored Trump raving in the background and started talking directly to the camera/viewer at home. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that so literally in a debate. Trump supporters about Biden calling Trump a Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt clown: that’s unacceptable. Trump supporters about Trump calling Biden dumb and accusing his son of having a drug abuse problem and being dishonorably discharged from the army: that’s fine. They’re actually whining about Wallace and how he was unfair to Trump.
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- Don’t forget to examine his performance as if you liked him. When you think saying “3.5 million” over and over again is some kind of “gotcha”. It plays. You mean “they” right? They both interrupted, Biden less so but still. No one who watched the Frog Give Me The 9 Strength ShirtFrog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt debate thought Biden interrupted as much as Trump. Sounds minuscule compared to the way democrats treated AG Barr at his hearing. Constant interruptions and wouldn’t let the man answer a single question. I get what you’re trying to do, but this is the worst way you could do it. The two were not comparable.
- Looool imagines watching that debate and then unironically having this take. Straight up show. It’s like a 13-year-old arguing with their parent. 4 years old in a Walmart screaming at their parent because they want a Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt toy and refuse to leave until they get it. Watching post-debate CNN right now. The first guy called it a “dumpster fire”. Drunk guy in a bar fighting a professional boxer? I don’t know, I can’t watch, although I’ll go find clips later. I don’t know if helps Biden or hurts him, but man is it cathartic to hear someone face to face tell that windbag to shut his pie-hole.
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- That’s why he won. I’m calling it now. All the news will be about how Joe “didn’t” have an answer to anything. It won’t be that Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt he anything. Looked like Donnie might need to pee in the cup. As with everything Trump says, much projection when Trump asks for them to take drug tests. I really wish Biden or Hillary would have called him out on that and been like. Sure, let’s do it! But we use bipartisan doctors for the test, not one chosen by you(Trump) from some sleazy strip mall.” Then watch just how fast Donny backpedals and all of a sudden didn’t want to take it.
- It’s your duty to watch it. At the very least you will know the specifics that led to American democracy falling. He o my sounds that way because he is, exactly, that way. I can’t stand watching him so I just wait until the news to get my Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt updates. My mom and bro were and said Trump’s bullying tactics were making Biden look weak. Just hearing two serious anti-trump people agree on that Sad Green Bay Packers Davante Adams Is Pro Bowl 2021 Shirt stressed me out. They are more “Everyman”/Democrat lite than I am so I trust they see it from that vantage point over the Reddit bubble.
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- There is a person in the Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt town where I work who sets up a huge stand on a near-daily basis selling all kinds of Trump campaign staff. I’m almost certain none of it is actually licensed or in any way benefits Trump financially, but people still buy from there. It’s wild. I would imagine it’s the same people who believe COVID will be over in November though. There are a lot of those around my area, suddenly. It seems more than a little openly fascistic. Like, what does this refer to? I mean, there’s plenty more Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt inappropriate things Trump has done. He literally bragged about his penis.
- On stage, during the primary debates in 2016. Did you miss the Pocahontas comment? Then said diversity training was unnecessary. The guy is insane. Calling diversity training bad because it makes those in the course feel bad. It’s like, duh, that’s why it’s necessary, it makes them realize they’re bad people for treating others horribly just for being different. But Trump supporters won’t care which is despicable. What was that Frog Give Me The 9 Strength Shirt about anyway? Did Trump just make that up of whole cloth or is there some background story here? Seems unlikely Biden has ever called the troops bastards just for serving. I mean, he has two sons who did. Wtf was that about with Trump.
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